Pertussis notifications in Northern Ireland have continued to increase since January 2024
UKHSA planning for potential patients meeting the definitions for Mpox Clade 1 is currently underway.
Infection Control Manual
Welcome to the new website of the Northern Ireland Regional Infection Prevention and Control Manual. The manual has been reviewed and updated to ensure that all guidelines are based on current evidence and best practices. The manual will be revised and updated regularly.
Healthcare organisations may adopt this advice and guidance in Health and Social Care Trusts, Primary Care, Private Clinics and Voluntary sectors, Independent sectors, Care Homes, and Hospices to achieve IPC standardisation across all healthcare providers and professional groups. The Manual has open access, and no passwords or usernames are required.
For the purposes of this manual the term ‘patient’ refers to any individual receiving healthcare and applies to residents and clients in non-acute settings such as Independent Sector Care Homes, Hospices and Private Clinics.
Infection Control Manual
Links to partners and other related organisations
Below you will find links to other useful websites...
- Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
- Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC)
- European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC)
- European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID)
- Health and Safety Executive
- Healthcare infection Society
- Public Health Scotland
- Public Health Wales
- Infection Prevention Society (IPS)
- Infectious Diseases Society of America
- International Society for Infectious Diseases
- National Disease Surveillance Centre, Republic of Ireland
- UK Health Security Agency
- Webber Training: Teleclass for infection prevention and control
- World Health Organization (WHO)
Infection Control Manual
We would like to thank all those who have contributed to this e-manual and the website. In particular we are extremely grateful for the expertise of the following groups:
- PHA staff
- HSC Trust Infection Prevention & Control Staff
- HSC Trust Microbiology Staff and members of the Northern Ireland Regional Microbiology Audit Group (NIRMAG)
- Members of the Northern Ireland Lead IPC Nurse Forum
- Website developer
We would also like to acknowledge ARHAI Scotland and NHS England for permission to use their respective manual’s literature reviews, graphics and images.
Continuous Manual Review
The manual will be monitored and updated on an ongoing basis as new information becomes available.