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Basic Concepts


Infection prevention and control (IPC) is everyone’s responsibility, and all health and care workers have an essential role to play. Healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs) can occur in any healthcare setting, i.e. hospitals, nursing/residential homes, or GP practices. While the specific risks may differ, the basic principles of IPC apply regardless of the setting.

All personnel must fully understand their role in preventing the spread of infection. Staff must be familiar with the policies/guidelines and procedures for prevention and control and receive appropriate training and supervision. Managers should maintain records of IPC training and provide regular updates due to the evolution of scientific knowledge, practices and the introduction of new equipment, antiseptics and disinfectants. IPC training should be mandatory for all staff.

It is the responsibility of ALL members of staff to comply with isolation and infection control procedures. Healthcare workers can transmit healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs), and one person’s failure to comply with simple procedures may negate the diligence of the rest of the team.